Standard Textile

For more than 70 years, Standard Textile has been one of the most prominent names in the textile industry. The Cincinnati-based company produces workwear as well as linens for the healthcare and hospitality sectors. The company long has been recognized for its innovation and manufacturing excellence, but the company stresses that its supply chain operations play an equally important role in its success. With operations all over the globe, Standard Textile understands how vital a well-functioning supply chain is for its overall well-being.

“Founded in 1940, Standard Textile has developed a culture of innovation, quality and service,” the company says. “With more than 70 patents, our products are engineered to deliver durability, longevity and value. We go far beyond just providing on-time, quality products to our clients. We partner with [them] to drive out excess operational costs from [their] laundry and linen system.”

As the company continues to maintain its dominance in the textile industry, Standard Textile focuses on the elements that have helped it reach its lofty perch. With a strong concentration on supply chain excellence, research and development, and customer service, Standard Textile is in a good position to continue leading the industry.

“A vertically integrated company, we’re a leading global provider of end-to-end solutions for the institutional textile and apparel markets,” the company says. “Leveraging textile design, manufacturing and laundry expertise, as well as our global infrastructure, we serve customers in the healthcare, hospitality, decorative products and industrial apparel marketplaces worldwide.”

Global Presence

Standard Textile has a true global footprint, with 24 manufacturing and distribution facilities in 12 countries in North America, Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. Therefore, having a supply chain that operates as effectively and efficiently as possible is absolutely essential. Not only do the company’s supply chain operations serve the interests of Standard Textile, but they also provide the maximum benefits for its customers, as well.

“Standard Textile’s well-structured vertical integration and global supply chain give customers access to leading-edge technology, consistent product quality, and dependable on-time delivery – worldwide,” the company says. “Our full control of the company’s global supply chain also provides an opportunity to innovate at every stage of the lifecycle – from fiber engineering through finished product to integrated laundry solutions.”

Looking Ahead

Standard Textile’s history of innovation has been well-documented, with recent developments – like its Impact Technology to fight bacteria in healthcare textiles and Versatility Fitted Sheet woven alternatives to knitted sheet – demonstrating its strength in research and development. “Standard Textile’s commitment to helping customers succeed drives us to continually develop innovative ways to design and manufacture textile products to benefit those in the healthcare and hospitality markets,” the company says.

The company goes on to say that its research and development efforts are one of the key differentiating factors it has in the institutional textile industry. A key element of that is its Technology Development Center in Cincinnati. “This one-of-a-kind facility is, in essence, a miniature-scale vertically integrated textile-manufacturing facility featuring custom-designed and built machinery that facilitates hyper-speed prototyping of developmental products and concepts,” the company explains.

“After a prototype is made in the Technology Development Center, it is subjected to a battery of physical tests to ascertain performance parameters, such as strength, softness, absorbency, shrinkage, colorfastness, etc.,” the company continues. “Promising concepts are then transferred to full-scale manufacturing trials.

“The ‘test driving’ of a broad range of options and ideas prior to full-scale trials effectively identifies and broadens the realm of potential solutions, moving product development consistently forward without interfering with ongoing manufacturing operations,” the company adds.

Environmental Leadership

In addition to the company’s emphasis on innovation and supply chain excellence, Standard Textile has made environmental sustainability a major focus. “Environmental issues are increasingly shaping the context of our business,” the company says. “The cost, availability, utilization and management of energy and water, and the use of chemistry in the manufacturing and processing of our products all have implications for operations throughout the value chain – from the cotton farmer through the end-user.

“To extend and improve the environmental stewardship of our industry, we’ve developed a culture of sustainability within our company,” the company continues. “We embed sustainability principles in supply chain programs, product development, new technologies and innovation.” ­­­