Streamlined documents
The new software update will enable organisations to use just a single platform for designing and printing their labels and supply chain documents (something many struggled with before), thereby saving them time and costs and streamlining their whole production process.
The NiceLabel software previously offered out-of-the-box label design, allowing business users to quickly and easily design and print labels. The new version builds on this capability, enabling users, especially those working in factories or warehouses, to seamlessly design and print related supply chain documents, including delivery notes, pick lists, packing slips and invoices, from a single platform.
The 2019.3 release of the NiceLabel software also features a connector to cloud-based software from Workday, as well as enhancements to NiceLabel’s SAP advanced business application programming (ABAP) package and a web-based manager for the NiceLabel integration system that allows users to centrally manage all integrations.
In parallel with the 2019.3 launch, NiceLabel is also introducing a brand-new edition of Label Cloud.